International Pen Friends (IPF)® - Student Details Form
Please print out as many copies of this form as you need and return with your Student Service Application Form and admission fee to:
International Pen Friends, Virpi Taivassalo, Meesakatu 2 C 78, 33400 Tampere, Finland
Complete a section for each student (aged 10-17 years). Please write clearly (do not use a pencil). It is particularly important that
the correct year of birth, gender and postal address are stated in each instance. Any extra
details can be specified overleaf. We try to match country
requests but there may also be other countries on the pen friend lists.
Please note that each student must choose English as one of the languages they wish correspond in. The other languages
they may choose are French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
Teacher (or person in charge): _______________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________
Full Name: _______________________________
Home Address: ___________________________
Male or Female: _______ Year of Birth: ________
Languages: ______________________________
Email: _________________________________